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06 Mayıs 2012

501 developer olmak

501 developer kavramı; saat 5.01'ı gösterince kodlamayı bırakıp, hayatına vakit ayıran geliştiriciler için kullanılıyor. Yani mesai bitimininden bir dakika sonra iş hayatından kendi hayatına geçmek.

All over the world, developers/testers complaining about making overtime at work. There’re a lot of reasons for that that i agree most of them.

Scott Hanselman started a kind of movement and it call a 501 Developer. It means when time gets 5.01am, developers should leave work and start to their live. They used allusion little bit, please consider this. (; Take a look at The 501 Developer Manifesto. Here is official page and Reddit comments. I totally agree with their idea.

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