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20 Nisan 2012

infopath 2010 - Log ID:5566 hatası hakkında

Infopath ile UserProfileService.asmx ve UserGroup.asmx web servislerine bağlanan form tasarladım.
Lokalde düzgün çalışırken test sunucunda çalışmayıp, aşağıdaki hata verdi.

Oluşan hata:

An error occurred querying a data source.
Click OK to resume filling out the form. You may want to check your form data for errors.

Error details:
An error occurred while trying to connect to a Web service.
An entry has been added to the Windows event log of the server.
Log ID:5566
Correlation ID:ae3b6f03-b329-42cc-b337-59567e406ddf

Sharepoint sunucuda hata logu detayı :
The following query failed: GetUserProfileByName (User: ISHAKNETWORKS\ishak.kulekci, Form Name: dataownerform export, IP: , Connection Target: , Request:, Form ID: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:infopath:dataownerform-export:-dataFormSolution Type: DataAdapterException, Exception Message: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.)

Bunun için test sunucusunda registry'de DisableLoopback ayarı yaptım, sorun düzeldi.
Nasıl yapıldığını kaynak linklerden yapabilirsiniz.
Ayrıca infopath formunu Windows authentication olarak ayarlanmış sharepoint web application'da yaptığımı belirteyim. Claim based authentication olduğunda sorun düzelmiyor olabilir.


Başka çözümler de belirtilmiş fakat denemedim, belki deneyebilirsiniz:

and add an entry on each server pointing to itself. For example, if you have two web servers, Server1 on and Server2 on your host file entry on Server1 would be: your.sharepoint.address
and on Server2: your.sharepoint.address

Hi all
this error occurred when info path form can't connect with users profile (XML web service doesn't work) to prevent this you should add a new URL path in the alternate access mapping.
you should set your computer name as default Zone and in the internet zone use the ip address.
URL http://sharePointServerName/    Zone Default
URL IP)/    Zone Internet 


When you connect to a Web service by using an InfoPath 2010 form that contains sandboxed code, the data that is returned is incorrect, or you receive an error message


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